During the events surrounding the arrival of COVID-19, I will be offering some free webinars to help you to cope with the stress and worry of this time.
The webinars are based on the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and energy psychology. ACT is a third wave cognitive therapy with a strong evidence base. Energy psychology combines psychological theory with Eastern philosophical approaches that include the Chinese meridian energy system. It is a relatively new area but already has a good evidence base. I use energy psychology within my therapeutic practice and find it very effective.
The webinars will last an hour and all you need is a computer, smart phone or tablet and access to the internet.
The webinars are free of charge.
Although I hope that the webinars will be helpful for you, they are not therapy. Instead they will offer you a chance to learn new techniques and to ask yourself important questions.
Future dates will be announced. Please let me know using the form below if you are interested in attending a webinar or if you have any questions: